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Southern Jog



Bruce L. Anderson Recreation Area

York, Nebraska; York County

The Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District’s Bruce L. Anderson Recreation Area in York is a great spot to go camping, boating, fishing, hiking, birding and more. In 1990, the dam was constructed that created Recharge Lake (so named because it was used to study the groundwater recharge rate) in what was previously a pasture.

In addition to its other uses, Anderson Recreation Area provides essential habitat for many varieties of birds, fish, reptiles, insects, and mammals. This location also features a bat sanctuary. Bats are highly beneficial, providing valuable insect control and pollination services. When bats are removed from houses or other local structures, they can be re-homed to the bat boxes located on the northwest side of the recreation area. The bat boxes were constructed by York resident Elizabeth Marsh as a Girl Scout Gold Award project.

In addition to its other amenities, Anderson Recreation Area also includes a 14-acre outdoor archery range, which features 25 covered bale targets, elevated platforms, and a variety of shooting situations. The facility was named in memory of Bruce Anderson, conservation advocate and longtime member of the Upper Big Blue NRD board of directors. Anderson Recreation Area has everything you need for family fun, including tent and RV camping, grills, picnic tables, and restrooms. Two dock areas offer ideal spots for fishing and wildlife viewing. Hiking trails surround much of the lake. A playground and amphitheater make it an ideal gathering spot for groups.








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