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The Villasur Expedition
Columbus, Nebraska; Platte County
In the early 17th century, trade potential with Plains Native Americans elevated competition between the Spanish and the French. Upon hearing the French were trading near the Platte and Missouri rivers, the Spanish government ordered countermoves. Lieutenant-General Pedro de Villasur (pronounced vee-yah-SOOR) was appointed to lead an army into this territory. On June 16, 1720, Villasur set out from Santa Fe accompanied by forty-five... Read more
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Larson Farms Inc.
Technology is part of Nebraska dairy farms!
Dairy farmers use new technologies in their day-to-day chores like robotic feed pushers, automatic calf feeders, and robotic milkers. Cow collars, ankle bands or special ear tags are used to watch over each cow... Read more
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Genoa, named by the Mormon Pioneers, was among several temporary settlements established by the Church of the Latter Day Saints in 1857, along the 1000-mile trail from Florence, Nebraska to Salt Lake City. These settlements were to serve as way-stations for the Brigham Young Express and Carrying Company, which had the government mail contract to Salt Lake City, and as rest and supply stops for Saints traveling across the plains.
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